
When a family unit breaks down, it can be difficult for suddenly single parents to make ends meet and support their families. When you go from one household to two, even paying the rent can be a challenge. Sometimes it will take a combination of child support and spousal support (formerly alimony) to help you move forward into the next phase of your life. At Coast Family Law, we help you get to the bottom of your financial situation in a divorce or child custody matter, so you can receive family support orders you need to live comfortably.
Child support is a part of every divorce or family law case that has minor children (generally under age 18). For some wage-earning parents, being ordered to pay child support can seem mysterious or unfair. Other times it can seem mechanical, or like it ignores your family’s special needs. While Oregon child support orders are based on a formula, the numbers that go into it can change your family’s financial outlook for years to come.
At Coast Family Law we take time to explain how the Oregon courts calculate child support. We make sure that everything that should be accounted for is covered by carefully reviewing each party’s income, expenses, other family members, and other factors considered under the law. We will discuss options for parents who need assistance with everything from child care to health insurance.
Even when there are no children, or their needs are being met, divorce can be a hard financial transition. Spouses or domestic partners who have traditionally relied on their partners’ income can face particular challenges moving toward independence. In those cases, spousal support or partner support may be appropriate to help you get back on your feet and into the workforce.
Spousal support isn’t granted in every case, but it is available in some cases. Courts will consider awarding family support in cases where one spouse will need training to reenter the workforce or is unable to work due to age or disability. Judges will consider the length of the marriage and the couples’ lifestyle as well. We know how to counsel our clients when their marriages break down. We will help them consider their financial options, and see how transitional, compensatory, or maintenance support may help them through this difficult time.
Coast Family Law represents clients in courts up and down the Oregon coast. With offices in Gearhart, Tillamook, and Newport, we serve Astoria, Seaside, Lincoln City, as well as the communities of Clatsop, Tillamook and Lincoln Counties. We invite you to contact us using our online contact form or one of the numbers listed below to schedule a consultation with a family law attorney. We look forward to working with you.